7 Best Credit Cards : People traveling often reach the airport much before time. Then wait in the airport lounge for your flight. For this they have to pay the price. Keeping this in mind, we are going to tell you about such credit cards, which provide airport lounge facilities for free.
HDFC Bank Regalia Gold Credit Card: Using this card, you will be able to access the airport lounge absolutely free 12 times in a year without paying a single rupee. This facility is available for both domestic and international terminals. With Priority Pass, apart from the card holder, other members can also use the airport lounge for free 6 times a year.
ICICI Bank Safiro Visa Credit Card: Using this card, customers will be able to access the airport lounge free of charge every three months of the year.
ICICI Emerald Private Metal Credit Card: This card of ICICI Bank provides you the facility to use unlimited airport lounge for free.
Kotak Mahindra Bank : With Kotak Mahindra Bank’s Mojo Platinum Credit Card, you will be able to use the airport lounge for free up to eight times in a year.
Flipkart Axis Bank Credit Card: If you have spent at least Rs 50,000 with this card in the last three months of the year, then you will be able to avail the airport lounge facilities of some selected airports in India.
Axis Bank ACE Credit Card: This card also gives free airport lounge access four times a year.
Yes Private Credit Card: Using this credit card, you will be able to avail the facilities of more than 850 airport lounges in 120 countries around the world for free.
SBI Card Prime: Using this card, you will be able to access the International Lounge for four years in a year. You will get this facility during two visits every three months. In our country, there is a facility to use the lounge for free eight times a year. You will be able to avail this benefit on a maximum of two visits every three months.
However, one thing to keep in mind is that not all airport lounges are covered under this facility. For example, there are some lounges like Encalm Prive at Indira Gandhi International Airport, which can be used only by passengers traveling in business class.
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